Tel: +263 242 708020, +263 242 705946

Responsible Conduct of Research Part 1& 2 (13 September 2023)

The Research Support Centre is delighted to announce a 3-day virtual training workshop on Responsible Conduct of Research from the 11th of September to the 13th  of September 2023, running from 09.00 – 13.00hrs each day. 

Target Group

Researchers, junior faculty, undergraduate and postgraduate students who would like to build skills for research integrity and scientific professionalism. Researchers and Fellows funded by National Institutes of Health (NIH) Programs are specifically encouraged to participate in this workshop.

Course Description

Objectives: By the end of course, participants will be able to:

  • understand the core areas of Responsible Conduct of Research
  • highlight the importance of Responsible Conduct of Research
  • identify ethical issues/concerns and provide strategies to address the issues.
  • Topics:

    1. Research misconduct and policies for handling misconduct
    2. Conflict of interest
    3. Protection of human research participants
    4. Animal welfare
    5. Peer review
    6. Collaborative research including collaborations with industry and investigators and institutions in other countries.
    7. Data acquisition and analysis; laboratory tools
    8. Secure and ethical data use; data confidentiality, management, sharing and ownership.
    9. Responsible authorship and publication
    10. Safe research environments’
    11. The scientist as a responsible member of society

Application Deadline:   31 August 2023

Kindly download the application form by clicking here  



University of Zimbabwe
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Research Management Unit
Parirenyatwa Hospital Grounds

Tel: +263 242 708020, +263 242 705946

Email address





Research Management       Unit