Tel: +263 242 708020, +263 242 705946

 Financial Management

The Research Support Centre (RSC) has established grants management services that manage research grants. We provide both pre-award (dissemination of funding opportunities, grant application, and submission support) and post-award (financial management of grants) support.


Grants Managed by RSC in 2023 are as follows;


  Principal Investigator Grant Name Funder Grant period
1 Dr Chimhini Maternal and neonatal biomarkers of neurodevelopmental risk in a population-level sample in   Zimbabwe – Gestational age dating (GAD) study follow-up American Academy of Paediatrics 21 Feb 2022- 31 Aug 2023
2 Dr Katsidzira Registry to study the incidence, phenotype, risk factors and clinical course of inflammatory bowel disease in Zimbabwe IBDNET 22 Mar 2019- 31 Nov 2023
3 Dr Katsidzira The Gut Microbiome and Mucosal Immune Activation among Rural and Urban Zimbabweans University Bern 8 Mar 2019- 31 Nov 2023
4 Dr Mangezi The TENDAI Study: Task shifting to treat depression and HIV medication nonadherence in low resource settings NIH 01 Jul 2018 – 31 Mar 2024
5 Dr Mangezi Integrating NIMH Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) into assessing depression in the TENDAI Study NIH 24 Feb 2020 – 31 Dec 2023
6 Dr Mangezi Situational analysis of collaboration between Indigenous Knowledge health practitioners and Formal health practitioners The University of Nottingham 1 July 2020- 31 Dec 2023
7 Dr. Mudawarima Validation of Neurodevelopmental Assessments for Early Identification of High-Risk Infants in LMIC University of California San Francisco 1 May 2021 – 30 April 2024
8 Dr. Simbini The Electronic Health Records (E-HR)/IMPILO implementation
and how it has contributed to Health Systems Strengthening at
Primary Health
WHO 29 Jan 2023 – 15 Nov 2023
9 Ms. Nyamayaro Adapting a cognitive training program for adults ageing with HIV Alzheimer’s Association 01 Mar 2022 – 28 Feb 2024
10 Prof Chibanda Support, Comprehensive Care, and Empowerment for people with psychosocial Disabilities in sub-Saharan Africa (SUCCEED Africa) DFID 1 May 2020 – 30 Apr 2026
11 Prof Chibanda Practice facilitation and supervision to strengthen treatment care in Zimbabwe NIH 15 Aug 2022 – 31 Aug 2027
12 Prof Chibanda African Mental Health Research Initiative II Science for Africa Foundation -DELTAS 1 April 2023 – 30 March 2027
13 Prof Chibanda NIHR Global Health Research Group on Interventions for Youth with Depression and Anxiety Disorders in African Countries (Youth in Mind) NIHR 1 Oct 2021 – 31 Sept 2025
14 Prof Chitsike Wilms Tumour ( cancer of the kidney)  in children in Developing countries Stichting Kinderen In Malawi 1 Jul 2017 – 31 Dec 2023
15 Prof Duri HIV Exposure, Disease Acquisition and Progression among Children: Role of Maternal Immunogenetics, Viral Genetic Diversity, HAART Exposure, Co-morbidities and Psycho-social status: UZ-CHS Birth Cohort DFG 01 Mar 2022  – 30 August 2023
16 Prof Duri UZ Birth Cohort University Bern 01 Jan 2023 – Feb 2024
17 Prof Mujuru Determination of gestational age and preterm birth rates in low resource settings using newborn metabolic profiles Gates Foundation 1 Jan 2019 – 31 Dec 2023
18 Prof Mujuru Training for Research Excellence and meNtorship in Tuberculosis NIH 30 April 2018 – 31 Jan 2024
19 Prof Mujuru University of Zimbabwe Paediatrician Scholarship Program ELMA foundation 1 Jan 2022 – 31 Dec 2027
20 Prof Ndhlovu Implementing Novel Shorth-Course Treatment regimens for HIV-Associated Cryptococcal Meningitis in Sub-Saharan Africa (SHARE) LSTHM 30 Sept 2021 – 29 Sept 2023
21 Prof Ndhlovu Translational Research to Reduce Mortality from CNS Infections in Africa NIHR 1 Dec 2019 -30 Nov 2023
22 Mrs Fana BREATHE Small Grant IMPALA 18 Oct 2018 – 31 Dec 2023
23 Prof Haruzivishe Project for Research On Vaccine Effectiveness (PROVE) IDI/MasterCard 1 Aug 2022 – 30 Sept 2023
24 Prof Haruzivishe Explore the magnitude, push & pull factors, and vulnerabilities study on Children on the Move in Zimbabwe UNICEF 1 Feb 2023 – 31 Dec 2023
25 Dr Makurumidze Strengthening Evidence and Analytic Capacity to Track Progress in Reproductive, Maternal, New-born, Child, and Adolescent Health and Nutrition, with a focus on Global Financing Facility Country Level Monitoring, Analysis, and Use Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 1 Feb 2023 – 31 Dec 2025
26 Prof Ndhlovu Harare Meningitis Aetiology Study NIHR 1 Dec 2019 -30 Nov 2024
27 Dr Nhunzvi Transdiagnostic targets review Wellcome Trust, UK 1 Apr 2023 – 1 Oct 2023
28 Dr Katsidzira GI tools Queen Mary University of London 1 August 2023- 31 July 2024
29 Dr Zhou Exploring how breastfeeding patterns, maternal diet, HIV exposure, and human milk oligosaccharides drive Bifidobacterium strain level diversity and impact immune response in infants from Zimbabwe Africa Research Excellence Fund 1 June 2023 – 31 July 2024





    1. Close-out Process



    University of Zimbabwe
    Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
    Research Management Unit
    Parirenyatwa Hospital Grounds

    Tel: +263 242 708020, +263 242 705946

    Email address





    Research Management       Unit