Tel: +263 242 708020, +263 242 705946

Funding Opportunities

Engaging Survivors of Sexual Violence and Trafficking in HIV and Substance Use Disorder Services (R34 Clinical Trial Optional) – RFA-DA-25-018

The goal of this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) is to support exploratory research and preliminary interventions to address the interrelated and compounding contextual factors that contribute to substance use and HIV risk among survivors of sex trafficking. This would be accomplished through research that builds new interventions and models of care that can effectively engage survivors of sex trafficking in care for substance use disorder (SUD), HIV, trauma, and other mental health outcomes and addresses key structural and social determinants of health that contribute to risk for sexual trafficking, as well as barriers to and facilitators of escaping continued exploitation. This NOFO requires a Plan for Enhancing Diverse Perspectives (PEDP), which will be assessed as part of the scientific and technical peer review evaluation. Applications that fail to include a PEDP will be considered incomplete and will be withdrawn.

Due date: 5 August 2024

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Using Neuromodulation to Characterize the Continuum of Pathophysiology Between Substance Use and Mental Health Disorders (R01 Clinical Trial Required)

This notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) seeks applications that coordinate efforts to simultaneously characterize the effects of neuromodulation on brain circuits and behaviors relevant to both substance use disorder (SUD) and mental health disorder (MHD) . Proposed studies are expected to provide a mechanistic perspective on the shared and unique pathophysiology related to SUD and MHD through the causal manipulation of relevant circuit(s) via targeted neuromodulation in human participants. This NOFO requires a Plan for Enhancing Diverse Perspectives (PEDP), which will be assessed as part of the scientific and technical peer review evaluation. Applications that fail to include a PEDP will be considered incomplete and will be withdrawn.

Due date: 15 August 2024

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Roddenberry Foundation’s Catalyst Fund

The Roddenberry Foundation is seeking applications for its Catalyst Fund. The stages are;

  • Early Stage: The Catalyst Fund is geared towards small and/or early-stage ideas and projects that need a capital infusion to launch or prove viability. Catalyst awardees are typically piloting a program, venturing into new territory, on the cusp of launching, or pivoting in a new direction.
  • Big Ideas: The Catalyst Fund supports big ideas or projects that depart from the status quo and require us to look at a problem and its solution in a new light. These big ideas have a high potential for impact across an entire community, city, or country. They tend to leverage existing infrastructure, build on partnerships (public and private), and improve on what’s already out there.

Big ideas push boundaries and challenge convention.

  • Bold Vision: The Catalyst Fund supports individuals whose vision for change is audacious. Catalyst awardees seek significant, long-term impact and have a vision for how to get there and what needs to get done. They are able to articulate how they plan to make the world better and why. Their vision inspires others and offers a glimpse of a better future.

Due date: Applications are accepted all year round.

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Fogarty HIV Research Training Program for Low-and Middle-Income Country Institutions (D43 Clinical Trial Optional)

The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to encourage applications for research training programs to strengthen the scientific capacity of institutions in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) to conduct HIV research relevant to the evolving HIV epidemic in their country. This FOA can support training for conducting research in a broad range of HIV research areas across HIV prevention, treatment, care, and quality of life continuum. This includes basic, epidemiologic, clinical, behavioral and social sciences, data science, community-based, implementation, operations, health services, and health systems research. Cross-disciplinary research as well as HIV associated comorbidities and coinfections affecting the HIV epidemic will be supported under this FOA. An application should focus the proposed training program to strengthen research capacity in a defined high priority HIV scientific area aligned with NIH HIV/AIDS research priorities (NOT-OD-20-018) at a specific LMIC institution and collaborating LMIC partner institutions.

Due date: 22 August 2024

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Merck Stimulating Innovative Research

Since 2018, we are offering a series of research grants to stimulate innovative research in challenging areas of future importance. Grants of up to 500,000 € per year for up to 3 years have been made available. In 2024, grants are available in the area as further specified below.

  • Discovery strategies for molecular glue degraders and other protein-protein-interaction stabilizers – 1 grant comprising up to 100,000 €/year for up to 3 years with potential further collaboration
  • Augmented Reality Digital Twin – 1 grant comprising up to 120,000 €/year for 1 year with potential further collaboration
  • AI-Driven Drug Discovery – up to 3 grants comprising AIDDISON software licenses for one year with potential further collaboration

Due date: 31 August 2024

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Halton Foundation grant

A Halton Foundation grant is typically awarded to a non-profit organization researching how to improve human wellbeing in indoor environments. Grants may also be applied by organizations that develop solutions aiming for better indoor environmental quality.

What kind of grants are awarded?

  • One-time grants which are single-year grants for a specific purpose
  • Multi-year grants for no longer than three years; and,
  • Start-up program grants

Grants are awarded based on grant applications.  A decision on grants is made by November 1st. The successful applicant will be notified of the grant award and the grant decision will be announced on the Halton Foundation website. Grants have been awarded in several areas including helping children with asthma, funding for the Himalayas Stove project, and providing grants to universities that research indoor environmental quality.

Deadline: 1 September 2024

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Africa Microscopy Initiative (AMI) Program

The Africa Microscopy Initiative (AMI) Program for Equipment Exchange and Reutilisation (PEER) aims to redistribute high quality light microscopes to African institutions where microscopy will have the highest impact. As part of this 1st call for applications, free high-end microscopes will be made available by a commercial partner to successful applicant institutions. Scientists in Africa who would like to apply for a donated light microscope to use in research and training are encouraged to apply.

Due date: The first call for applications of PEER is currently open and will close on 13 September 2024 at 3:00 p.m. (UTC).

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Spencer Foundation Small Research Grants on Education Program

The Small Research Grants on Education Program supports education research projects that will contribute to the improvement of education, broadly conceived, with budgets up to $50,000 for projects ranging from one to five years. Proposals to the Small Research Grants on Education program must be for research projects that aim to study education. Proposals for activities other than research are not eligible (e.g., program evaluations, professional development, curriculum development, scholarships, capital projects, software development). Additionally, proposals for research studies focused on areas other than education are not eligible.

Deadline: 11 September 2024

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Cambridge-Africa ALBORADA Research Fund

The Cambridge-Africa ALBORADA Research Fund was established in 2012, with generous support from The ALBORADA Trust. The Fund supports pairs of researchers (post-doctoral level and above) from the University of Cambridge (or an affiliated institution such as the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, NIAB and British Antarctic Survey) and African institutions, across all disciplines, to initiate and/or strengthen research collaborations. To date, 332 awards have been made, to enable Cambridge researchers to engage with African colleagues from 35 African countries. Some awardees have been able to use the preliminary results from their seed fund / research collaboration to apply for and win significant funding (e.g. Royal Society/Leverhulme Awards, Global Challenges Research Fund, etc.). The Cambridge-Africa ALBORADA Research Fund competitively awards grants of between £1,000 and £20,000, for:

  • research costs (such as reagents, fieldwork and equipment)
  • research-related travel between Cambridge and Africa
  • conducting research training activities in Africa (e.g. setting up courses/workshops).

Deadline: 12 September 2024

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Spencer Foundation Research-Practice Partnerships: Collaborative research for educational change

The Research-Practice Partnership (RPP) Grants Program is intended to support education research projects that engage in collaborative and participatory partnerships with project budgets up to $400,000 and durations of up to three years. Proposals to the Research-Practice Partnership program must be for research and other activities aimed to support collaborative partnerships between academic researcher(s) and a broad array of practitioner(s) of education.

Deadline: 13 September 2024

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GenScript Life Science Research Grant Program

GenScript Life Science Research Grant Program is a new initiative dedicated to supporting breakthroughs in life science research areas, including but not limited to those indicated below. This program is designed to empower researchers by providing grant funding earmarked explicitly for purchasing GenScript reagents and services.

  • Gene and Cell Therapy Development
  • Antibody Drug Discovery
  • Vaccine Development

Deadlines: 15 September and 15 November 2024

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MATRIX Technology Accelerator Domain 1, Prevention Challenges: Overcoming Impediments to HIV Prevention

This is an opportunity to apply for funding to advance research applications related to HIV prevention. Graduate students and post-doctoral fellows from Kenyan, South African, and Zimbabwean institutions are invited to apply to this request for applications (RFA) sponsored by MATRIX (Microbicide R&D to Advance HIV Prevention Technologies through Responsive Innovation and eXcellence): A USAID Project to Advance the Research and Development of Innovative HIV Prevention Products for Women. This RFA is designed to support research by a graduate student or post-doctoral fellow to address the critical need for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and/or multipurpose prevention technology (MPT) development that meets the goals of the MATRIX consortium and USAID. This funding opportunity has two objectives: The first is for the applicant to gain, through active mentoring, the professional expertise required to become an independent scientist. The second is for the applicant to acquire research experience by conducting HIV prevention research. Solutions to these challenges can stimulate the development and implementation of effective HIV prevention strategies that meet the diverse HIV prevention needs of adolescent girls and young women (AGYW), pregnant and breastfeeding people (PBFP), and female sex workers (FSWs).

Deadline: 16 September 2024 (8:00 a.m. Pacific time)

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Medical Research Foundation: Impact of Climate Change on Health

We are inviting applications for collaborative research grants, from mid-career researchers working on the impact of climate change on health. This scheme is open to pairs of mid-career researchers, in countries in sub-Saharan Africa and the UK, who are making the transition to research independence and seeking to progress in their field. Projects should aim to develop a new collaboration or solidify an existing partnership between two researchers, expanding their research networks and building their research profiles to develop emerging research leaders in both countries.

Deadline: 25 September 2024 (12:00 BST)

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Wellcome Early-Career Awards

This scheme provides funding for early-career researchers from any discipline who are ready to develop their research identity. Through innovative projects, they will deliver shifts in understanding related to human life, health and wellbeing. By the end of the award, they will be ready to lead their own independent research programme. During the award, you are expected to:

  • expand your technical skills and/or your experience of different research methodologies or frameworks
  • build a collaborative network with other researchers in your field
  • develop your people management skills
  • advance your understanding of how to complete research responsibly and promote a positive and inclusive culture.

By the end of the award, you should have the research maturity to develop, manage and lead your own creative, independent research programme.

Deadline: 1 October 2024

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New Approaches for Measuring Brain Changes Across Longer Timespans (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)

The purpose of this funding opportunity is to encourage multidisciplinary investigators to develop new approaches or apply existing approaches in novel ways to measure brain activity, connectivity, genomics, or other aspects across the age spectrum of neurodevelopment. The overarching goal is to extend our understanding of brain development and aging, including studies of the neurodevelopmental origins of later health and disease. Research can include healthy human participants of any age; specific clinical groups such as those with cognitive, motor, or affective regulation challenges; and/or animal research on these domains of function. The studies can focus on longitudinal neuroanatomical or functional changes at any level, including genetics/genomics, single cells, connectomics, neural population activity patterns, and others. This funding opportunity is intended to encourage technological and conceptual innovation to improve repeated measures across longer epochs of the lifespan, to better predict outcomes at later ages. This NOFO requires a Plan for Enhancing Diverse Perspectives (PEDP), which will be assessed as part of the scientific and technical peer review evaluation. Applications that fail to include a PEDP will be considered incomplete and will be withdrawn.

Due date: 5 October 2024

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New Approaches for Measuring Brain Changes Across Longer Timespans (R21 Clinical Trial Optional)

The purpose of this funding opportunity is to encourage multidisciplinary investigators to develop exploratory, highly novel new approaches, or innovative applications of existing approaches,  to measure brain activity, connectivity, genomics, or other aspects across the age spectrum of neurodevelopment. The overarching goal is to extend our understanding of brain development and aging, including studies of the neurodevelopmental origins of later health and disease, by improving repeated measures across longer epochs of the lifespan to better predict outcomes at later ages. Research can include healthy human participants of any age; specific clinical groups such those with cognitive, motor, or affective regulation challenges; and/or animal research on these domains of function. The studies can focus on longitudinal neuroanatomical or functional changes at any level, including genetics/genomics, single cells, connectomics, neural population activity patterns, and others. This funding opportunity is intended to encourage technological and conceptual innovation through this high risk, high reward funding mechanism to develop highly innovative ideas that either lack preliminary data or need additional preliminary data. This NOFO requires a Plan for Enhancing Diverse Perspectives (PEDP), which will be assessed as part of the scientific and technical peer review evaluation. Applications that fail to include a PEDP will be considered incomplete and will be withdrawn.

Due date: 16 October 2024

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Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health (R21 Clinical Trial Optional)

The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to support studies that will identify, develop, and/or test strategies for overcoming barriers to the adoption, adaptation, integration, scale-up, and sustainability of evidence-based interventions, practices, programs, tools, treatments, guidelines, and policies. Studies that promote equitable dissemination and implementation of evidence-based interventions among underrepresented communities are encouraged. Conversely, there is a benefit in understanding circumstances that create a need to stop or reduce (“de-implement”) the use of practices that are ineffective, unproven, low-value, or harmful. In addition, studies to advance dissemination and implementation research methods and measures are encouraged. Applications that focus on re-implementation of evidence-based health services (e.g. cancer screening) that may have dropped off amidst the ongoing COVID pandemic are encouraged.

Due dates: 16 October 2024

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Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health (R03 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to support studies that will identify, develop, and/or test strategies for overcoming barriers to the adoption, adaptation, integration, scale-up, and sustainability of evidence-based interventions, practices, programs, tools, treatments, guidelines, and policies. Studies that promote equitable dissemination and implementation of evidence-based interventions among underrepresented communities are encouraged. Conversely, there is a benefit in understanding circumstances that create a need to stop or reduce (“de-implement”) the use of practices that are ineffective, unproven, low-value, or harmful. In addition, studies to advance dissemination and implementation research methods and measures are encouraged. Applications that focus on re-implementation of evidence-based health services (e.g. cancer screening) that may have dropped off amidst the ongoing COVID pandemic are encouraged.

Due date: 16 October 2024

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NEI Research Grant for Vision-Related Secondary Data Analysis (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

This FOA encourages applications from institutions/organizations that propose to conduct vision-related secondary data analyses utilizing existing database resources. Applications may be related to, but must be distinct from, the specific aims of the original data collection. The NEI supports an extensive portfolio of clinical trials and large-scale epidemiologic research projects wherein numerous data collection activities are required to meet each project’s specific aims. The resultant wealth of data generated by these studies often provides unique, cost-effective opportunities to investigate additional research questions or develop new analytical approaches secondary to a project’s originally-intended purpose. Data are not limited to those collected under NEI support, but such data are of the highest programmatic interest. The purpose of this FOA is for secondary data analysis using existing data sets from vision-related clinical trials, epidemiologic, and other clinical research studies. This FOA may be used to develop new statistical methodologies or test hypotheses using existing data, but this FOA must not be used to support the collection of new data.

Due dates: 16 October 2024

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Small Research Grants for Analyses of Gabriella Miller Kids First Pediatric Research Data (R03 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

The NIH Common Fund has established the Gabriella Miller Kids First Pediatric Research Program (Kids First) to develop a pediatric research data resource populated by genome sequence and phenotypic data that will be of high value for the communities of investigators who study the genetics of childhood cancers and/or structural birth defects.Kids First has established and continues to develop a Data Resource including a collection of curated genomic and phenotypic data from childhood cancer and structural birth defects cohorts and a central portal where these data and analysis tools are accessible to the research community. Access to these data will promote comprehensive and cross-cutting research and collaboration leading to more refined diagnostic capabilities and ultimately more targeted therapies. This FOA is intended to support meritorious small research projects focused on analyses of childhood cancer and/or structural birth defects genomic datasets generated by the Kids First program and/or associated phenotypic datasets. Development of approaches, tools, or algorithms appropriate for analyzing genomic, phenotypic, and/or clinical data relevant to Kids First may also be proposed.

Due dates: 16 October 2024

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Developing novel theory and methods for understanding the genetic architecture of complex human traits (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

The goal of this NOFO is to support applications for novel theory and methods development that enable better understanding of how genetic and non-genetic factors contribute to complex trait variation across individuals, families, and populations. Approaches should account for interdependencies across scales of biological, social, and ecological organization, make extensive use of theory, modeling, and validation with available large-scale datasets, and may be interdisciplinary drawing from the natural and social sciences.

Due dates: 16 October 2024

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Alcohol Health Services Research (R34 Clinical Trial Optional)

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism solicits applications for an R34 Clinical Trial Optional mechanism focusing on alcohol health services. This NOFO will broadly focus on closing the treatment gap for individuals with alcohol use disorder (AUD); within this focus, there are five major areas of emphasis: (1) increasing access to treatment for AUD, (2) making treatment for AUD more appealing, (3) examining cost structures and insurance systems, (4) conducting studies on dissemination and implementation of existing evidence-based approaches to treating AUD, and (5) reducing health disparities as a means of addressing the treatment gap in AUD for health disparity populations.

Due dates: 16 October 2024

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The British Academy Global Professorships 2024

The Academy views the Global Professorships as an opportunity for established researchers to undertake high-risk, curiosity-driven research in the humanities and social sciences in a UK research institution. The Global Professorships are awards for individuals in an institutional setting. Applications must be for new, coherent and cutting-edge projects. The Global Professorships are expected to add significant value to the UK host institutions and vice versa, and thus the projects must be significant, leading to novel and innovative collaborations.

Due date: 23 October 2024

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Fund for Innovation in Development Grants

The Fund for Innovation in Development (FID) is inviting innovators and researchers from around the world to apply for grant funding to more effectively or efficiently address poverty and inequality.

Through flexible grant funding, FID enables innovators and researchers to test new ideas, build rigorous evidence of what works, and scale the highest-impact and most cost- effective solutions.

Due date: Applications are accepted all year round.

For more information click:

Fellowships and Scholarships

PAGES African Mobility Fellowship

Past Global Changes (PAGES) announces the Inter-Africa Mobility Research Fellowship Program (African Mobility Fellowship) for African early-career scientists studying past global changes. The program aims to give limited support for travel and subsistence to early-career researchers from African countries (PhD students and postdocs at African institutions), who are interested in gaining experience in another African country. The final goal is to contribute to the development of collaborative research and the promotion of paleoscience network within Africa. The program is intended to support costs associated with international travel and living expenses while abroad, i.e. flight (economy class), visa, costs of laboratory consumables (up to max. 10% of the total budget) and accommodation (subsistence and housing) costs for the period of the exchange, for the fellow only. Insurance will not be covered by the grant. PAGES cannot be deemed responsible if the candidate cannot travel for any reason (such as flight cancellation).

Due date: 15 August 2024

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TESA TAGENDI PhD and MPhil fellowship program

Trials of Excellence in Southern Africa (TESA) Addressing Gender and Diversity Regional Gaps in Clinical Research Capacity (TAGENDI) is inviting applications for Doctoral and MPhil Fellowships funded by the European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP).The training program is designed to address existing gender imbalance within clinical research in Africa. Using established internal and external TESA partnerships, the TAGENDI Fellowship program will award up to five PhD and two MPhil fellowships to female applicants based on merit following an established and transparent selection process. The training will focus on under-served health research disciplines, including:

Epidemic preparedness, Health Economics (Impact), Biostatistics, Computational research, Bioinformatics, Infectious diseases, Neglected Tropical Diseases, Non-Communicable Diseases, Research on COVID -19.

Due date: 18 August 2024 at 17:00, CAT.

For more information see attached advert and application form.


PGDip and MPhil (Public Mental Health) call for applications

African Mental Health Researchers Inspired and Equipped (ARISE) programme and for the MPhil, fellowships are available from the African Mental Health Research Initiative (AMARI). The PGDip (Public Mental Health) is a one-year Africa-centred coursework-based diploma that aims to guide students in developing a good understanding of the discipline of public mental health, as well as the skills required to: (i) undertake research, (ii) participate in improving services and access to mental health interventions, and (iii) advocate for increased attention for public mental health in Africa. The MPhil (Public Mental Health) is a part-time research degree that aims to develop advanced research skills, enabling participants to undertake their own research projects as well as interpret research findings for mental health policy and practice. This degree is usually completed over two years. Students conduct their research in their home countries, supervised remotely by their supervisors. This programme does not include any clinical component.

Due date: 1 September 2024

For more information see attached advert and application form.

GloCal Health Fellowship

The GloCal Health Fellowship provides aspiring global health researchers with outstanding interdisciplinary education and training in innovative research designed to improve health for populations around the world. A career development fellowship sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Fogarty International Center (FIC), this program supports awarded fellows from all 10 UC campuses as well as 22 affiliated international sites across 18 countries. UCGHI manages and supports the GloCal Health Fellowship.

The GloCal Health Fellowship supports a 12-month, mentored research fellowship for investigators interested in studying diseases and conditions in developing countries. The fellowship is designed for: US doctoral students (PhD, DrPH, etc.), professional students (MD, DDS, DVM, PharmD, etc.) and postdoctoral fellows, as well as foreign postdoctoral fellows from affiliated international sites in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Ideal candidates will propose research in areas such as, but not limited to:

HIV, Infectious Diseases, Noncommunicable Diseases, Global Surgery, Cancer, Mental Health and Addiction, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Planetary Health

Due date: 16 September 2024

For more information click:

Global Health Equity Scholars (GHES) Fellowship

The Global Health Equity Scholars (GHES) Fellowship is a 12-month, NIH-supported, mentored training in global health research designed to address health inequities and improve population health. The Global Health Equity Scholars (GHES) Fellowship is a 12-month, NIH-supported, mentored training in global health research designed to address health inequities and improve population health. Hosted by a consortium of Yale University, Stanford University, University of Arizona, and UC Berkeley, the fellowship year typically runs July-June and offers training opportunities in 17 countries.

Due date: 1 October 2024

For more information click:


The British Academy Visiting Fellowships 2025

The British Academy’s Visiting Fellowships programme provides outstanding academics based in any country overseas with the opportunity to be based at a UK higher education or other research institution. The programme is open to academics at any career stage, and in any discipline within the humanities and social sciences. he aim of this programme is to ensure that the UK remains an attractive, welcoming, and productive research environment for academics globally. Through this programme, the Academy aims to:

  • Enhance and build new links between scholars from around the globe and in the UK;
  • Foster opportunities and encourage the development of new and future partnerships for collaborative research into the humanities and social sciences
  • To enable academics from across the globe to undertake research and/or professional development with UK colleagues;
  • And strengthen the UK’s research bases in the humanities and the social sciences.

Due date: 23 October 2024 17:00 (GMT)

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For Expired funding opportunities:

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Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
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